Sunday, June 15, 2014

Two new pieces finished

I've been extremely busy with work and school, and so I forgot to update things for a while, but I've been writing here and there.  I just finished up two new pieces:  "Checking the Wrong Box," a short story, and "The Meriwether Contact," another novella.

"Checking the Wrong Box" is my first attempt at a real short story.  It comes out around 2600 words, and was surprisingly challenging.  Writing really short fiction and making it interesting is more difficult than I had thought it would be.  I had to come up with an idea that could be executed in that short format, and then trying to economize on words while still describing things and having a decent plot execution with characters who aren't completely flat... quite a strain.

"The Meriwether Contact" is another short novella, coming out around 15000 words.  This one's about a completely different group of people stumbling upon a strange derelict ship and going in to investigate.

I'm going to try sending these two out to a magazine or something... see what happens.  No high hopes, but it'd be interesting to get some feedback from a disinterested party.

Next on my agenda is a piece in the third person with an antagonist.  So far I don't have a lot of experience writing antagonists, so this seemed like a reasonable thing to try next.

I'll come up with some samples and post those when I get a chance.

1 comment:

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