Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Draft of new novella finished: Immaterial Terror (tentative title)

Just finished the first draft of a cosmic horror novella I've been working on the past while.  I had an idea I liked, thought it would make a good short story, and I was 6000 words in when I realized it was going to be significantly longer than I originally thought. The full story comes out at a little under 20000 words.

Without spoiling too much, Arthur Barstow, a neurologist and psychiatrist on sabbatical in Rome, Italy, working on a behavioral study with an old friend from university is called on by another friend, Luca Pellegrino, working in the same city.

Luca, a physicist, works for the Italian Air Force as a civilian scientist and was handed a modest experiment after the previous scientist passed away.

The experiments concern some strange occult writings from a library deep under the Vatican, but Luca has discovered some peculiar physical effects that are measurable, repeatable, and difficult to explain.

The story follows Arthur Barstow as he is drawn into Luca's experiment as a consultant and his experiences as the experiment takes a dark turn.

I start editing today, final result coming soon.

Edit: What the Soul Still Fears is now available!

Cover image based on a photo by Marco Chilese at Unsplash.

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