Tuesday, November 15, 2022


 Ten thousand words into a new novella.  Probably a novella.  I probably won't keep going on it until it's novel length, based how far along I am on my plot outline.

It's interesting.  Getting back into longer pieces takes a lot more focus.  The first few thousand words of a new story flow enthusiastically, but after that, it takes a little more drive.

The new piece is a new adventure of the three main characters from my first novella, The Hyacinth Rescue.  It's still available on Smashwords and I think on Amazon too, and it still has my crappy hand-drawn cover.  Smashwords is the better deal, because you can pay whatever you want for it (even $0).

The thing about these is that I have a reasonably detailed world built behind them but I don't want to just write worldbuilding exposition, so I had to find a way to sneak some in.  So, in this new story, I've got a new character who has a few things to say about the world and its history.

My goal is to finish the novella in the next few weeks, hopefully in early December.

Edit: Missed Contact is available now!

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