Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Audio/Video Story Teasers #3: Outopos

Here's the third video in my series of short audio/visual teasers! This one is for the short science-fiction story that I wrote about artificial intelligence, called Outopos. I wanted to provide a different perspective on the long-term impact of real artificial intelligence, so I had to think a little bit about how to present the idea.

I really like the way I structured this story, and I really like the ending.

This excerpt is from the early part of the story, and sets up the world our main character, an AI called VeeTwo, is trying to thrive in. It introduces the main plot element: a flying device sending out a mysterious message--almost a dare.

Check out the full version of the story here.

And, if you have trouble with the embedded video, you can find the teaser video here on YouTube.

Do you like this kind of sci-fi with an air of mystery and a satisfying twist? Try out my book Missed Contact.

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