Thursday, August 8, 2024

Book Review of "The Object: Hard Science Fiction"

 I recently went through and put a few of the best selling books in "Hard Science Fiction" on my list of books to read, partly for market research and partly just to read some new books.

The first one I chose to read is The Object: Hard Science Fiction by Joshua T. Calvert.

Unfortunately, I didn't find it too engaging, but it did have a few good points.

I tried out making a video review on YouTube:

I'll also put up a text version of my notes here, in case you want to read them.

I realize it's a very mixed review, but if you still want to check out the book, you can find it here.

And if you instead get an urge to read or re-read Rendezvous with Rama, you can find that here.

Thanks for watching!

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