Monday, November 25, 2024

Fun and Funny Fantasy Goodness! The Thief of Time, by Terry Pratchett

My buddy Justin got me started reading Terry Pratchett's stuff. He let me borrow his copy of The Light Fantastic when we were in high school, and I've enjoyed quite a few Pratchett books since then.

Today's topic is The Thief of Time, a story written in that wonderful period when Pratchett had found a beautiful blend of fantasy and satire, writing stories that were highly creative, mostly standalone, and, above all else, fun.

I picked up a good condition hardcover of this book at a used bookstore long ago and read it over and over. It's been a while, so I gave it another read before making this review.

It's about as good as I remembered, which is to say, it's great.

The Thief of Time tells the tale of the son of Time and his adventures as he tries to thwart the plans of the Auditors. If you're a Pratchett fan, you'll remember the Auditors from other books such as Reaper Man, but, in contrast to their usual undifferentiated villainy, they're used to incredible effect in this one. Pratchett actually finds a way to give them character, despite their abhorrence to being distinguished, and the result is hilarious while also being a major threat! I won't spoil any more than that, for now.

Actually, I want to spoil as little of this book as possible. Go read it, if you haven't already. It has so many excellent elements. The time monks are great. The satires of Lao Tzu and James Bond are hilarious. The overall plot is expertly paced, building to a successful crescendo, and then drawn into a rare plateau of high tension (wait--is it really a plateau if time has stopped!?), leading to an excellent and very fitting ending.

Only a few of Pratchett's Discworld characters make a significant appearance, so this book is also a great introduction to the world and its quirks. You won't feel like you missed anything; on the contrary, you'll probably find a growing desire to check out more of Pratchett's boisterous bibliography.

Actually, I may as well post a link so you can go check it out if you feel like it. You won't regret it.

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